Employees are engaged with specialist skills and abilities to develop and grow the business. Liquidity is a major area of concern for every small business entrepreneur and a cautious approach to a new business can be of considerable value. Not physical violence but the heightened state of anxiety to push through the plan and make it work with controlled aggression and passion.A lack of skill, ability and experience in certain business areas need not be a barrier to success and starting your own business. A more cautious approach would be to start a new business without borrowing substantial funds because if the small business owner has the ability to make a success of the business and make money then they can usually do so without external funding and use the profits made to build the business in the future. Determination and persistence go hand in glove with success. Use the extra funds to speed up future success while borrowing funds with no track record is a gamble and a gamble which fails only too often. It is a natural progression having acquired the business knowledge and experience to use those abilities to build the business under self employment rules rather than earn profits for an employer. Many small start up businesses go out of business within 2 to 3 years of starting a new business. Aggression in forcing through a business plan may sometimes be the only viable option. There is a strong tendency for a new business start up to borrow money and buy new equipment just to get started. The personal qualities exerted by a small business owner overcoming deficiencies over and over again are vital and present in many entrepreneurs much more so that specific technical knowledge. A small business owner is more likely to be on the job at first light, miss the coffee and dinner break and twelve hours later announce he has to finish off for the day because he has to go home and do the business accounting books that he started on Sunday. A sole trader just starting out has to settle for a comfortable living or have the ability to grow the business to the point where more specialist abilities can be added to the business. An employee works for wages and an adequate work performance is enough. But the road to success is not all slam wham bang for the entrepreneur. The personal qualities a small business owner possesses are more likely to determine the level of success. Small business owners invariably work longer and harder than employees. The sound reason for a small business or a start up business to borrow money is to already be showing a good financial performance. Most small business owners who start a new business do so in an area where that small business owner has some knowledge, experience and skill. Abilities such as hard work, determination, persistence, intuition, tolerance and aggression can be the bedrock of success. A major cause is under capitalisation which basically means they run out of money. Business battles the successful entrepreneur wins. Certainly being a master of all is a fantastic position but unrealistic while certain personal qualities are essential to fight the inevitable battles to come. Businesses that have grown and Sport Socks Knitting Machine become medium sized and bigger are not reliant on the business owner entirely. On the other side of the coin there will be times when the small business owner has to exercise tolerance and just go with the flow. Such businesses are taking a major risk the plans will work. Some plans do work but rarely it is a smooth path and a better option is to build the business and reinvest profits made. Not everyone is a master of all business attributes in fact very few are. Things go wrong from time to time; its normal, determination and persistence are valuable qualities to see through these times. Every new business runs into problems at some time or reaches a stage where the business owner needs to be completely focused and stick with a strategy to make the plans work.
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